I was directed to come to Hot Springs and use the water for medicinal purposes, as I was afflicted with a complication of beliefs. Having talked with people who had used the water for months with no relief yet, I had no faith in it. I could with much difficulty walk only slowly and feebly. In the same building with me there roomed a Christian Scientist; and, after reading some of the literature, and some study, I put myself under his care, for treatment. This I continued for six days only. At the second treatment I felt a change for the better. I had, in my distress, used morphine—also snuff and tobacco; I can't use them now,— have no wish to. The aches and pains are all gone, and I feel young as at sixteen,—walking all about with perfect ease and no fatigue. After employing sixteen or eighteen physicians and gaining from them only temporary relief, if any, my present relief is a great surprise and joy to me. I return home a different woman, with bright prospects in store for me in the new-old, beautiful Life —which Christian Science has taught me is the Christ-Life.— Helena, Ark.

Testimonies of Healing
I was directed to come to Hot Springs and use the water for...
From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal