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From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To see Science and Health as "the text-book" of Christian Science, or even as the "standard" text-book, is a footstep in the way of Life. It may be an open question in the mind of persons using either form of expression, whether there are not other textbooks. But every thought that has reached this degree of acknowledgment, is looking toward the light sufficiently to march in step with every other thought, whatever maybe the differences of advancement,—that is: looking to the same beacon light of Truth. It is not meant by this to draw any line of separation, or to judge those thoughts that have not reached this acknowledgment. Divine Principle answers to the feeblest sign of recognition from the lowest sense of Good. In this way all thoughts that look to Him as fully as present sense of life permits, are linked in one great brotherhood. But to the mortal sense some Shibboleth is necessary by which to determine and select those who are nearly enough in the same consciousness, to walk together without the sense of inharmony, or of one holding the other back. It is in this sense that recognition of Science and Health as the text-book, or rule of life in Christian Science, is here suggested the working basis of brotherhood in the flesh, among those calling themselves Christian Scientists.

But does the term "text-book" express what Science and Health is to present, general consciousness? While the term "Christian Science" meant to most minds a suggestion of arraignment against sickness and sin, the book from which they were derived was, and may still be to those in this thought, aptly enough termed a text-book. But to the consciousness in which Christian Science has come to mean—if only as a glimmering sense of the reality of Being—conscious existence as idea of Principle, Science and Health is "God with us"—the Word of God.

In classes or public meetings, to teach or speak with Science and Health in hand, and with reference to it as the standard text-book, is well. There is, however, a further step that will be found to bring to the speaker or teacher higher realization of Principle, and demonstration in power of Spirit with listeners. It is to renounce the pretension to being a teacher or speaker, and to declare "the statements of Christian Science have been made to mankind, once for all, in this blessed Word of God; I read them to you directly from it, since none may presume to re-state them. All anyone can do is to give, as helps to our brethren, such realizations of these statements as our own progress toward God has afforded." Then, if the teacher or speaker will read, with illustrative, confirmatory passages from the Bible, and speak as moved by Spirit in the course of the readings, it will be found that Spirit bears witness.

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