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By Reverend Mary Baker Eddy

From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This is the title of a book dedicated to the Children who contributed for Mother's Room.

A sermon, hymns and prophecy; the sermon delivered at the dedication of the beautiful church, of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, Jan. 6, 1895. Clippings from newspapers, describing this grand edifice, and outlining the rise and progress of Christian Science. Withal, it is a unique and interesting book, such as would be expected from the pen, or compilations of its author. 127 pp. cloth covers. $1.06 per copy prepaid. $9.00 per doz., $5.00 per half doz. For sale by E. J. Foster Eddy, M. D., C. S. D. at 95 Falmouth St., Boston, Mass.

Mrs. Eddy gives notice that the twenty-six hundred children who contributed to Mother's Room shall have one copy each, of this edition, at half price, 50 cts. per copy, postage extra.

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