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From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We give as our frontispiece in this number a view of the vestry. This has heretofore been described. It appears in the picture as it is when thrown together, making one room. The partitions, of glass, are adjustable and can be quickly changed. When open it seats eight hundred persons.

The next view is the lower vestibule as it appears from the south entrance to the church. It shows the double doors opening to the north on Norway street, part of one of the stairways leading to the auditorium, the entrance to the Director's Room, and the small sunburst which lights the vestibule.

The next view is the Director's Window. This window is the most remarkable of all the windows in the significance of its sacred historical meaning. It is based upon Revelations, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This book constitutes its central figure. It will be observed that the Star of Bethlehem sheds its light down upon its pages, thus symbolizing its illumination of the Holy Scriptures, and making it what it really is, the Key to the Bible in its spiritual import. Its pages give new and added lustre to the pages of Holy Writ. Hence its place as the center piece of this window which is a testimonial to its author, the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy.

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