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From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Sense of discouragement often does much to prevent the demonstration of Truth, and retard our spiritual progress. To overcome this error is a most desirable and important work, and whatever gives assistance in this direction bestows a lasting benefit.

Give man the assurance he will finally succeed in the thing he has undertaken, and he will work more faithfully, sacrifice more willingly, and wait more patiently, than if he be in doubt about the final result. The thought that possibly failure will be the result of all his labor and sacrifice, has a tendency to discourage him, and many times prevents his doing the little more that is necessary to bring success.

The law of cause and effect attends him at every step in the way. Nothing comes by chance. All that is, has the one real Cause back of it; while all that seems to be, has a seeming cause. Man may not always know what has produced a certain effect, but this ignorance does not change the fact or its results. As the law of gravitation was in full force thousands of years before it was discovered by man, and he learned how to turn it to his use, so the laws of eternal Mind have governed every advancing step in man's spiritual progress, even though he understood not the Science of Being.

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