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From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle."—Heb. xiii. 10.

Wisdom hath prepared her altar in understanding; justice, and mercy are satisfied, and divine Love, has been found all-sufficient to meet and satisfy humanity's every need. Sin, being self-destroyed, because of its own nothingness, returns to the dust from whence it sprang; and Christ's disciples enter into the joys of their Lord and Master.

Already there appeareth to the spiritual vision "a new heaven, and a new earth" wherein dwelleth no sin, no disease, no death; and universal joy is the continual song of praise that rises higher and clearer to the throne of our God, and his Christ. "He that overcometh shall be given to inherit these things." An angel from heaven has spoken this to thousands in our own day. Who hath ears to hear it?

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