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[The following letter was written by a brother to his sister.—Ed.]

From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

You know that I have been an Atheist, and all that the word implies; that this life ends all was my firm belief, and that I should ever change this belief to the contrary seemed utterly impossible and ridiculous. But Truth came and prevailed. Atheism in all its hideousness, as I see it now, lies far back of me. I have emerged from its gloomy shadows, outward and upward into the glad sunshine of Truth.

How often, when looking about me, and noting the beautiful in nature, would the thought come to me: "Who am I, and what relation do I hold to all this, so beautiful and perfect," and the unexpressed and half conscious wish would come to me, that I too might be a part of all this, so grand and glorious. I wished to be nearer to it, to be a conscious part of it. Now this is being made clear to me, the veil is torn aside and I begin to see through all this mystery. I no longer ask myself, Whence came I? Why am I here? And where am I going? These questions once so puzzling and formidable, are answered at last, and Christian Science has solved them for me.

I presume you wonder how it all came about and through what agency I so changed my belief. It is soon told. Some of my comrades had been studying this Science, and from time to time they would try and give me a glimpse of what they had learned. For a long time I turned a deaf ear to the voice of these cranks as I called them. I would give them no credit for what they did. But gradually their work forced itself on my notice, and I began to say "that there was something in it." Then came more of their work (demonstration as they called it) work wrought upon my own doubting self, and stronger grew the conviction that I was far from knowing all.

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