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From the April 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Error is quite often expressed in the following sentence: "Christian Science is so hard." Elijah said, 1st Kings 1821, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him"; and when we allow such an opinion to escape our lips, or even to form itself in thought have we not chosen Baal?

Let us consider this sentence in the light of reason. We know that Christian Science is the revelation of Truth and must be made practical in solving every problem in human life, therefore, if we say that it is hard, we claim that the right way to do anything is difficult, and the wrong way is easy. A few problems might be considered to show which is the easiest way to solve them.

To begin in early life. Is it easier for a scholar to complain of his lessons, do all he can to avoid study, and spend his time in indolence, or on the other hand patiently and diligently do each day's work? The latter way is easier and pleasanter in the doing and saves years of regret and mortification afterwards.

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