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Letters & Conversations


From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

An incorrect idea comes from so many different sources that I long to give an answering thought to all whom the Journal may reach. The belief is that in order to enter the study of Christian Science, and follow our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, in its demonstrations, one must forsake Christ or Christianity.

Gently, sweetly and truly this pure light of Science is dawning, and I fain would bring its joy to those who are "hungering and thirsting" for the peace of God.

Christ is so interpreted in Christian Science that instead of relinquishing faith we are constantly drawn higher, nearer to "the mind which, was in Christ Jesus," and our daily striving is to be more like Him who trod earth's lowly ways for our sake. All that we relinquish is the false beliefs, past errors, and sin, sickness, and fear of death. Divine Love demands no giving up of the spiritual Good we have, in order to gain more understanding, or clearer Light.

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