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From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The first communion services under the new order were held in the Mother Church on Sunday April 7th. They proved to be most helpful and interesting. A higher sense of the true communion was felt than ever before. The new and true Preacher, the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, spoke most feelingly and effectively of the communion of the Holy Spirit; and more than ever was it apparent that the cup which the Master drank must indeed be drained to the dregs before the spiritual eucharist and atonement shall be attained.

The services opened with a solo by the soprano, "The Palm Branches," followed by hymn 178, the communion hymn written by our Leader, the reading of the 100th Psalm, silent prayer and the Lord's Prayer with the spiritual interpretation, hymn 119 of the Hymnal, the reading of the names of applicants for membership in the Mother Church, another solo, "These are they which came out of great tribulation," (from Gaul's Holy City), the sermon made up of selections from Scripture and Science and Health, kneeling in silent communion, hymn 111, and the benediction, taken from 2 Cor. 13: 14.

The number of new members admitted was 599, making a total present membership of 5,144.

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