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From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Scarcely less interesting than the communion service was the children's service held on Sunday April 14th in compliance with the wish of our Leader. The Scripture reading consisted of the 28th chapter of Matthew, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 349 first paragraph. The opening hymn was 161 and the closing, 118 of the Hymnal. Passages from the Bible and Science and Health, occupying in the reading about twenty-five minutes, read alternately, made up a powerful Sermon, whose beneficial effect cannot be other than lasting, both as to children and adults.

The congregation were most happily surprised by the unexpected and unannounced presence of the choir of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of New York city, the same that was present on the day of the dedication of the Mother Church. Under the able and experienced leadership of Mr. Henry Lincoln Case, this choir grandly sang the anthems, "Lo! this is our God," "The Lord is my strength and song," and "A song of Life." A cordial reception was given the members of this choir upon this, their second visit to the Mother Church, and long will the hearers remember the rare musical treat thus afforded them. Mrs. De Lano of the New York choir sang, "Ashamed of Jesus," and Miss Lincoln of the Mother Church sang, "I know that my Redeemer liveth." The interpretation of each was most artistic from the musical, and uplifting from the Christian Science standpoint.

Although the order of exercises was arranged almost on the instant, it was carried throughout as methodically and harmoniously as though it had been carefully pre-arranged.

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