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From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many of those who oppose Christian Science say it is a great mistake to take the beauty from Christ's teaching by calling it science,— to attempt to harmonize science and religion is to degrade religion. Thus argues mortal mind,— "The man who brought death into the world and all our woes with loss of Eden." He always fights spiritual truth, and now says, Call this new religion anything but Christian Science.

A leading clergyman of our town said once, "It is neither science nor Christian." Alas! for human ignorance and bigotry. Is it not Christian to teach that God is love, that He is Good, that He is all,— as the Scriptures declare? Is, it not Christian to strive for the Mind in us which was also in Christ Jesus?

Science comes from the Latin word scientia, which means to know. Webster gives this definition,— "Science is truth ascertained, that which is known."

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