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From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are a "peculiar people." We know that when the light of divine Truth dawns upon us the Bible unfolds its hidden treasures, and through Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the hitherto sealed book is unlocked, the door opens, and the pearls and diamonds roll forth. The captive is set free and we go forth to shed our Light, to help others' imprisoned thoughts to free themselves from the bondage of material sense that has so long held them. And what a glorious freedom it is, day after day, to rise higher and higher in the understanding of Truth. Sometimes we seem to stumble and fall, doubts and fears assail us, but if we are conscious of the error and go to God, if we are faithful and obedient, the way will be opened for us. The knowledge that we are worshipping the Father according to Jesus' teachings in Spirit and Truth, that we are His children, what joy!

In what way are we a peculiar people? We have been set free from materia medica, free from material laws that have held us so long, free from the belief that sin, sickness, and death, is the inevitable, and have gained such an understanding of Life, that we know death is to be overcome, not yielded to. What an emancipation from the old law. "The law of spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death." Free to go forth to preach the Gospel of Christ, to heal the sick (without medicine), to cleanse the lepers (purify thought), open the eyes of the blind (give spiritual Light), cast out demons (deny material claims), raise the dead (dead in the belief of life in matter). This is the work of God's peculiar people; and a great work it is.

What do we hear from all sides? Deny sickness! what for? deny a headache! why how can I say that my head does not ache, when I know that it does, and I am suffering. If I should deny it, I would be lying, how unkind! do you call that love? Yes, dear sufferer, the highest. We do not say that you are not suffering tinder the delusion of a headache, but we tell you to deny it because it is a false claim of mortal sense, and that denial will help to free you, and weaken its hold upon you. It does not come from God, Good, it is a belief of life in matter, every denial of which helps us on the spiritual road, the road to harmony. It is the new tongue spoken of in Mark's Gospel which all should hasten to learn.

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