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From the May 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O Thou Who art all in Unity,
May we Thy creatures be
Like Thee, one in diversity:
Yet one, as born of Thee.
From Thee the whole creation springs,
Of Thee, and in Thy Mind it lives.
All things are thoughts, in substance Mind,
Their nature like Thine own, divine,
Their Being,— immortality.

Thou art from time, the only God.
To all that moves:— the Over-Soul.
Greater than person, Thou art all.
As Mind Divine, all space encompassing.
In Thy great plan, no discord entereth;
No darkness holdeth sway.
Thou art the one Paternity;
Yea more, as Love's eternal Self,
Thou art the Mother, tender, true.

Thou art the Everlasting Right;
The Eternal Day, that knows no night;
The Good, that giveth only Light;
The Truth, which is the only Might;
The Purity, that knows no dross;
The Soul, that never knoweth loss;
The Unseen Fount, that ever springs
Within the heart of men, and things,
To keep them sweet, and pure.

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