Dear Journal:—Yesterday, at an hour of need, you were placed in my hands. Let me say that you came as an angel messenger, and I wish to thank you for the comfort and help received after perusing your pages for a little while.
My habit has always been, when you arrive, to open and scan your pages to see if there is a message from our Mother; next I look in the editorial department. After reading that through carefully, I turn to the short articles.
Yesterday, after reading a few of your short articles, the thought came that I had received such a blessing that I would wait and digest what I had already read before beginning on the other articles.
You are full of loving rebukes and chidings, as well as counsel, and you have uncovered so much error for me that I greatly desire to thank you for the help that I have received. Your words of exhortation have sunk deep into my heart.—Omaha, Neb.