When my little babe was three weeks old, she had sore eyes. They were like running sores, she could not open them herself at all.
I sought medical aid but to no avail. I saw the medicine was doing her no good, and was afraid of her losing her sight entirely. I called in a Christian Science healer in the evening, and the next morning I could see they were much better. After a few treatments her eyes were entirely healed, and from that time to this day she has never seen a sick day, always has been well and happy.
Wymore, Neb.
Words cannot express my love and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for Christian Science; it found me two years ago a hopeless atheist, believing in neither God nor man; and now, through Christian Science, I have found the knowledge and love of God. and therefore His idea—man. I have just begun to live, and find many minor beliefs have totally disappeared without treatment.
Oakland, Cal.