Dear Brother in Truth:—I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know that I am still doing God's work. I send you a statement of one of my patients that you can send to the Journal, and I will send you some more of them. Mr. Moore got hurt, he had a tree fall on him and broke two of his ribs and his left arm, but he is getting along finely. I gave him treatment and in two weeks he went to work, and is all right again. You may have this statement published if you want to. I will close. Love from all to you. I remain,
Yours in Truth,
Copy of a letter from a patient of Mrs. Moore.
I thought I would write my experience I had in Christian Science treatment. I cannot thank it enough for what it has done for me. I had neuralgia, and heart trouble, and corns, all have left me, and I am a healthy man. I can thank Mr. and Mrs. Moore for their kindness, and my God for His help.
Your truly,