Four years ago, I was in a home where a lady called who had with her a bright, healthy child of about two years, and in the course of conversation the story was related of her child, who had been in a very low condition, owing to indigestion. Each day as the father went out to work, he would ask them to be sure to send for him, should any change come. As a last resort they had tried Christian Science, and the result was the healing. I had suffered for a long time on account of indigestion; had tried many cures, but all to no avail. My eyes also had given me trouble, for which an optician whom I consulted advised me to wear glasses. Having a great aversion to such a thought, I made the remark that I would have to know that I must, before consenting to do so; to which he replied that in a very short time I would be glad to wear them. The glasses were obtained, and I found, as had been told me, that they had to be strengthened twice in about two years; and at that time I could read but a few minutes without them. Worse than these two diseases put together, was the great longing which had taken possession of me, to know how to lead a true Christian life. When I heard the child's story of healing, and on my way home searched out the Christian Scientist whom the lady spoke of, and was assured that there was healing for the mind as well as body, my life was entirely changed. I was treated that night, Friday, but the following morning I remembered that I had not mentioned my eyes. Saturday night I was treated again, bought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and on Sunday read for several hours, and to my astonishment had no use for my glasses, and never since have I felt the slightest need of them. No one could understand the delight, unless under the same circumstances. I had been hungry and thirsty a long time for the Truth, and I knew I was healed physically and at once.
In January of 1898 I was privileged to be one of twelve who met and organized a church, to be known as Church of Christ, Scientist.
This little body of workers has grown, each communion season bringing in a number more, the last one adding nine. The Truth is going out, not only in Winnipeg, but all over the country. Many in different places having united with us, these at once have expressed their knowledge of having been benefited by the union, and each one in his turn is busy sowing the good seed.