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Testimonies of Healing

Although I had heard of Christian Science for several...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Although I had heard of Christian Science for several years, it was not until about two years ago that my attention was called to a practical demonstration of what is really meant by Christian Science.

My wife, who had been suffering from constipation for over fifteen years, and had received the best medical aid without anything but temporary relief, was completely healed in about ten days by Christian Science.

My daughter, twelve years of age, who had weak eyes and was recommended by a specialist to wear glasses, took one treatment, and has never worn glasses since nor complained of weak eyes. After these proofs, if the writer had any further doubts of this great truth and its healing power, they were removed forever by his being the subject of what every one who is acquainted with the circumstances pronounced a wonderful demonstration. Last May I was attacked one afternoon with chills, and during that night was taken with a severe pain under the left eye, accompanied with fever, my temperature rising to one hundred and three. Next morning my face and head were a sorry sight, all broken out and swollen so that I could see but very little out of one eye, and my hearing was nearly gone. A practitioner was called by telephone, and began treating me. In less than an hour my temperature was down to normal, the breaking out had stopped spreading, and I was resting and sleeping easily. I was kept in ignorance of what ailed me by the practitioner and my immediate family, and remained so until my son, who lives in another part of the city, came during the day to see me. He at once pronounced my case a malignant form of erysipelas, and said I must have aid at once as it was liable to be fatal, and wanted to call our former family doctor immediately. Knowing that he was strongly opposed to Christian Science, I replied that I was already taking Christian Science, treatment and would stand or fall by the truth as taught by Mrs. Eddy. In ten days I was completely healed, and not a scar or redness such as is usually left by that disease, remained on or about my face or body, and what is most remarkable, during the whole term of my sickness, I never had any of the disagreeable feeling of itching and burning which always follow the erysipelas, while on the contrary, I slept from fourteen to eighteen hours a day and ate heartily.

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