It was through the healing of my husband that I was led to accept Christian Science. I came to it in doubt, and sometimes the proof given in physical healing was the only thing that anchored me. On one occasion I had for a few days been feeling drowsy, and one evening had a severe headache. I rested a while after supper, gathered the family together, and read the weekly lesson from the Quarterly. When the lesson was finished my headache had disappeared and did not return.
The one thing I am most thankful for is the knowledge which this truth has helped me to gain of the power of good and the weakness of error. It has enabled me to overcome physical and moral ills, and to meet hatred with love. It has enabled me to be instrumental in restoring harmony in households where, to the senses, evil seemed to reign until the Christ presence was manifested in the overcoming of discord. I want to tell something of what our literature has done in our neighborhood. We take the Journal and Sentinel and have two copies of Science and Health. A neighbor has come into Science through reading our Science and Health and other Christian Science literature which we have loaned her. She is an elderly lady and has never attended but one Christian Science service. She discarded material remedies at once and is applying the truth in her every-day life. Another family to which we sent Science and Health loaned the book to a lady who had been an invalid and under a doctor's care for about fifteen years. She read the book one summer, and soon discarded all material remedies and began demonstrating for herself and others. Afterwards this copy of Science and Health came back into the family and is now the daily companion of one of the men who is away from any place where he can attend services, but he sends for the Quarterly and reads the weekly lessons, and he writes us that this greatly benefits him. He has had no treatments, but where formerly he never seemed in good health and usually had a bad attack every winter, he is now in good health, takes no medicine, and is learning his way to holiness. The sister at home is now reading another copy of Science and Health with the Quarterly, and making the truth the foremost thing in her life. The mother is also reading and appreciating the literature. These are all cases where the people seemed unable to attend Christian Science services, and have come into the thought by reading the literature and by occasional talks with Christian Scientists. What I am especially grateful to Mrs. Eddy for is the care she is taking to put the best before us, and that which particularly gives me confidence in her, is her readiness to drop old ways when better ones present themselves, even when this requires the putting of self entirely aside.
Arkansas City, Kan.