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Testimonies of Healing

When I first heard of Christian Science I was in a...

From the November 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I first heard of Christian Science I was in a hopeless condition, knowing that I could not live many months longer as I was. I had tried many doctors, and had several operations, each of which left me worse off than before. One physician, who was a relative of the family and a very dear friend in whom we had great confidence, said he thought he could give me a remedy that would wear longer than anything he knew of, but he did not expect it would remove the cause of the trouble or effect a cure. I had depended upon medicine for eight years to produce certain effects, and if the effect was not gained, terrible sickness was sure to follow. I did not dare to go anywhere without my medicine, and one day, armed with a good supply, I accompanied a friend to a neighboring town to make a short visit.

Among the friends I met while there, was a Christian Scientist who had known for several years the sad state of my health. She inquired how I was, and I replied that I was really no better, but had found a new medicine that worked like a charm; that with the aid of this I had dared to come. She said she believed if I would get "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and read it, that it would heal me. I had tried everything in the line of materia medica, but this was something new. I was quite anxious to get home and make the test, so I cut my visit short and ordered the book as soon as I reached home. It, came on Saturday night, and I read a while that evening, and all the next day. Although there was much that I did not understand, I was deeply interested, so much so that I never once thought of my medicine. I also discovered that I had no further use for it, not that I was perfectly well, but the truth had removed the cause of that terrible sickness, and it never returned. I have had two sick spells since, which I failed to overcome, so I had my friends write to an absent practitioner. These were, however, nothing like the old sick spells I used to have before I knew the truth. Now I am never sick, and words are inadequate to express my gratitude for what this wonderful truth has done for me through all these years, and not only for me but for some other members of my family. My husband had worn an elastic stocking for eighteen years for varicose veins. This was the worst case I ever saw or heard of. the doctors said it was something that could never be cured, he would always have to wear the stocking. After he saw what Christian Science had done for me he asked for treatment, and in less than three months he was entirely healed.

I could tell of several demonstrations which I have made in my family since I commenced the study of Christian Science, and if this helps some other sufferer out of the depths I shall be glad. I have often been asked why I have never given this to the Field. I can only say that I knew I ought to do so. I spent last winter in California, not for health, however, I took that with me. It is wonderful to see how the truth is spreading,— the farther it goes, the faster it goes. I do not expect to remain here long enough to see the whole world appreciate the work which that noble woman, Mrs. Eddy, has done for mankind, but to note the wonderful progress this truth is making, is a source of great rejoicing to one 'whose life seemingly hung upon a thread.—

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