We take great pleasure in publishing the following official communication from the Unitarian Church, which has so kindly opened its doors to our Concord brethren during the construction of the edifice presented to them by our Leader.
The fellowship and harmony which for many years have marked the religious activity of Concord is well disclosed in this letter and in the resolution it contains. Particularly gratifying to Christian Scientists is the recognition that this liberal spirit, which often found expression through the churches of Concord, is further emphasized by Mrs. Eddy's teachings. This communication, together with many other acts of Concord's representative citizens, indicates how much Mrs. Eddy is appreciated and beloved by those who are personally acquainted with her and know of her good works.
This occasion recalls Whittier's beautiful lines:—
A sweeter sons shall then Do heard,—
The music of the world's accord
Confessing Christ, the Inward Word!
That song shall swell from shore to shore,
One hope, one faith, one love, restore
The seamless robe that Jesus wore.