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From the October 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The ringing of the chimes in the Christian Science church, last evening, conveyed to the people of Concord generally the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth.

In Portsmouth there was firing of cannon and blowing of whistles, but the plan adopted by the authorities of the Christian Science church had more of meaning, as bells and chimes since ancient times have been made use of to herald tidings of peace and joy.

On this occasion the Doxology was played, and as the words are so appropriate they are appended:—

Be Thou, O God, exalted high,
And as Thy glory tills the sky,
So let it be on earth displayed,
Till Thou art here and now obeyed.

Concord (N. H.) Patriot.

[The ringing of the chimes as an announcement of this important event was by the special request of Mrs. Eddy. — Editor.]

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