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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my gratitude for Christian Science...

From the October 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my gratitude for Christian Science, which cured our baby of rupture. A friend was telling me of the wonderful things that Christian Science could do, and especially of how a little baby had been most wonderfully healed. I said that if it could do all these things it could surely cure our baby of rupture. He assured me it most certainly could, so I determined to try it. We had taken her to a doctor, and he said the rupture was hereditary and that she would have to undergo an operation to be cured. He also ordered her to wear a truss. She was always suffering great pain and was crying incessantly. We dreaded the time for the operation, as our eldest girl was also ruptured, and the pain she went through for twelve months, while she was under the doctor's care, was so great that I made up my mind to try anything rather than that this one should go through the same trouble.

My friend gave me a lady's address, and I wrote, asking her for treatment. My wife took the child to her the next day, and from the day I wrote for treatment till now, no sign of rupture has been seen nor did she wear the truss after treatment was given. The pain disappeared and she also stopped crying, for almost the first time in her life. For this instantaneous healing, and several other cases of healing in my family, I am truly grateful.

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