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From the October 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[We are glad to give prominence to the following letter to Mrs. Eddy, which we copy from the Concord (N. H.) Daily Patriot. The statement of Mr. Sargent which it contains clearly defines Dr. Quimby's practice as that of a mesmerist, and, therefore, an impossible foundation for Christian Science, which has no affiliation with mesmerism, but which, on the contrary, overcomes and destroys its alleged power.— Editor.]

New York, August 25, 1905.

Beloved Leader and Teacher:— A gentleman (who is not a Christian Scientist) called on me to inquire about treatment, and in the course of conversation it appeared that he had known well the late Dr. P. P. Quimby of Portland, Me. He had lived and grown up in the same town with him, had himself taken treatment of Quimby, knew him well personally, and knew his reputation in that community.

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