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From the October 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE bearer of God's message must of necessity be God's messenger. At all times the vital question is whether the message be of God. If it is, the messenger is justly entitled to the honor and appreciation due the one who blesses humanity; but if it be found that the message is not of God, the person is not to be received as one who speaks with divine authority.

The message is not to be received, or rejected, because of the one who bears it, but the messenger is to be judged by the truth, or falsity, of the message he brings. The messenger does not originate, or create the message. He is the recipient thereof, and it is his mission to bear it to those to whom it is sent. He is sometimes received, and at other times rejected, not because those to whom he is sent have satisfied themselves as to the truth or falsity of his words, but because they are pleased or displeased with what they hear. It is often the case that mortal man cares not so much for the truth as he does for what he believes to be the truth or wants to be the truth. The man with a message in accord with the desires and beliefs of mortals is received with open arms, while another is rejected because he dares to proclaim that which is contrary to popular opinion.

In the past there have been those who hoped to rid themselves of what was to them an unwelcome message by persecuting the messenger, and there are those to-day who indulge in this futile practice, as if they hoped to change the message by rejecting the messenger. They are unmindful of the fact that the truth or falsity of a statement is in no sense dependent upon the one who gives utterance thereto. Instead of proving all things and holding fast that which is good, they waste their time and energy in contending for or against personalities.

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