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Testimonies of Healing

To me, the most beautiful words in the English language...

From the June 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To me, the most beautiful words in the English language are Christian Science. Ten years ago I did not know their significance and had seldom heard them. To-day, they are replete with meaning, and in connection with the treasures of spiritual truth which they have unlocked, they express to me the whole of life. A friend, not especially interested in Christian Science, sent me an early edition of Science and Health, which, after a superficial and partial reading, was laid aside. The author's style seemed diffuse, and her meaning difficult to grasp. Many who have had a similar experience will look back with me, and marvel at the density and obliquity of mortal vision, which rendered Mrs. Eddy's clear and luminous thought unappreciable to their human sense.

Several months having elapsed, the writer was led to call socially upon some Christian Scientists, and talk with them upon this subject, finally to ask treatment for a chronic ailment. The spiritual insight gained thereby, and the uplifting of thought, were a revelation never to be for gotten. At this time I did not know the meaning of "Oil" and "Wine" as given in the glossary of our text-book, but would go from the presence of the Scientist with a song in my heart and the words ringing in my ears: "God ... hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."

A new edition of Science and Health was purchased, the Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly subscribed for, and an earnest, systematic study of this engrossing subject was begun. The healing has been slow, mortal thought yielding each step only after a struggle; but for this I am thankful, as it has kept me at work until the "point of discovery," which each must make for himself, has been won. The mental work involved has given a sound foundation upon which to build. The conviction abides that this teaching is logical, consistent, thoroughly in accord with reason and common sense, and has Scriptural authority.

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