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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to tell what Christian Science has done for me...

From the June 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to tell what Christian Science has done for me through the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings. I have been enabled, as I have read these, to gain the peace that passes all understanding. They are to Christian Scientists what the star in the east was to the Wise Men,—a guide and a joy forever. Before coming into this glorious truth, I had belonged to an orthodox church for ten years, and I was always reaching out for something more. I was not satisfied, and began to go from one church to another, to see if I could find something better. When I told the minister I was reading Science and Health, had just begun to look into it, he said, "It is all right, it won't do you any harm; it is only an ism, which won't stay long." I continued to read, and in two years asked him for a letter, so that I could join The Mother Church. He said he thought I would probably come back after a time. I have been studying Christian Science since 1895. At first I didn't see much in it, and a great many things looked unreasonable. However, I read on; I took the Bible and a dictionary and proved to my own satisfaction that Christian Science was all true. The more I read the more I got out of it, and the brighter and more illumined it became. How thankful I am to our dear Leader for this revelation, this Key to the Scriptures. I can truly say that where once I was blind, I now see. The Bible used to be a sealed book, I could not understand it; now it is a pleasure to read it.

I will tell of my first treatment. I had been troubled for twenty-five years or more with headache. My husband was a physician, and had not been able to cure it. I was in Omaha and was taken with a sick headache. I thought, Now will be the time to prove what Christian Science can do. I had a treatment, and in twenty minutes I was better. I said to the practitioner, "If I go for lunch the headache will come again." She said to go and eat what I pleased, that it would not come back. I did so, and there was no return of it. I went back in the afternoon and told her how I was and asked her to give me absent treatment, as I lived nearly thirty miles from there. I had only four absent treatments when a cough with which I had been troubled also disappeared. I wrote and told the practitioner. My husband said I had better be quiet about it and see how long it would last. I was also healed of chronic constipation of more than twenty years' standing, in five treatments, and pneumonia in its worst form, when they were passing on from it all around us, under materia medica. My son-in-law would say when he came in, "If you were my mother you would have the doctor. Such an one died last night, and you will be the next."

Nearly two years ago, a doctor in the family said I had a cancer, and added that if I didn't go to the hospital and have an operation I would not live a year. I immediately began to take treatment, and in two months I was healed. Thank God for the truth that frees us from all sin, and heals all our diseases! The doctor looks at me in wonder, and says, "How are you?" I answer that I am all right, that Christian Science has done the work.

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