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Testimonies of Healing

In the spring of 1898 I first heard of Christian Science...

From the June 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the spring of 1898 I first heard of Christian Science, and the following August I began the study of its textbook, Science and Health. So eagerly did I imbibe its saving truths, that, without thinking of physical help for myself, I was healed of severe stomach, liver, and kidney trouble, after having read for about three months. I had for twenty-five years tried all manner of remedies with only temporary relief, and had employed many physicians, who, although exceedingly kind and anxious to help me, were unable to do so, and some of them said that it was God's will that I should thus suffer. While trying to be resigned to this well-intended but unjust decision, Christian Science came, with healing in its wings, and freed me. The first time that I attended a testimony meeting, I experienced such a feeling of peace and rest as I had never before known; and in that atmosphere of Truth and Love I was healed of a burning, aching sensation in my feet and limbs that had troubled me much for twenty-five years.

I became a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city in 1899, and was also privileged last June to become a member of The Mother Church at Boston.

I have had many proofs of the power of truth over error. Three years ago. while engaged in cooking, I received a burst of hot fat on the back of my hand, and in trying to realize the truth which frees, there came such a vivid sense of the spiritual meaning of the injunction in the Sermon on the Mount as to prayer in secret (see Science and Health, pp. 14, 15), that I forgot my hand, although in the old thought the injury would have been quite serious.

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