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From the June 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The long accepted theory that the kingdom of heaven is a place, and that no one can ever enter this sacred domain until after death, is rapidly yielding to more enlightened views upon this most important subject. In the light of Christian Science it seems passing strange that we should have read our Bibles for years and yet have felt satisfied with such an untenable theory, a theory not supported by even the letter of Scripture.

John the Baptist did not intimate that heaven was a locality, but he did say that it was at hand, and he admonished men to repent of their sinful thoughts and acts in order that they might begin to realize that salvation was to come to them in this present world. He knew that heaven meant a state of purified consciousness to be attained through right thinking, and he labored zealously to bring this to the recognition of others, but he could not and did not give any practical proof of the truth of his ministry. This was a distinguishing feature of the Saviour's mission.

John's strongest point was the absolute need of repentance which he urged upon his followers; and yet, with all that he had to say upon this subject, it was evident that Jesus realized that John had not succeeded in bringing about the necessary reformation, for in the very beginning of his public work we find him repeating John's identical words, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." John's position was one of "faith without works;" he was an earnest preacher and exhorter, he could tell others what they ought to do, but he could not show them how to do it. This illustrates one of the inherent tendencies of the human mind. It can talk eloquently, but it falls short of demonstration, without which there can be no real advance. If preaching without healing in John's time did not bring about the practical reformation that leads men to Christ, can we expect such preaching to avail more in this present hour? No; and it is for this very reason that Christian Science came to us when it did. The science of Christian healing had been lost sight of, and there was a crying need that it be re-established in human consciousness and this need divine Love has supplied. Christian Science says now to all mankind, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," and both by precept and example it explains how to repent, and how to emulate the healing works of the great Master.

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