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From the July 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Critics of Christian Science, who think too deeply to dispute the Christian Scientist's views of matter, but who do not think deeply enough to accept his affirmations regarding Mind, occasionally try to obscure their logically indefensible opposition to Christian Science by declaring that Christian Scientists are narrow.

The reasons advanced to support this allegation are two: First, that Christian Scientists as a class do not participate in sociological, philosophical, or reformatory experiments; second, that they do not study or even habitually read promiscuous literature, but seek the rather to follow the injunction. "Prove all things hold fast that which is good."

This claim of narrowness is refuted in a negative way by comparing the Christian Science method with that of any successful doer of the world's work, and it is refuted on the positive side by examination into the actual results attained by Christian Scientists. It is plain that a narrow man must produce a narrow method, and vice versa, that a narrow method must produce a narrow man. The following questions, then, cover the points raised Is the Christian Science method of original research essentially unique? Are Christian Scientists, the products of this method, a narrow minded people void of culture and offering no evidence of consistently unfolding intelligence?

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