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Testimonies of Healing

We have not the privilege of attending a Christian Science...

From the July 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We have not the privilege of attending a Christian Science church, as we live about twenty-five miles from the nearest one, but every Sunday my husband and I go through with the service, besides reading a portion of the Lesson-Sermon every morning. I was led to investigate Christian Science, about four years ago, by being loaned some copies of the Journal and Sentinel, and so far as my limited sphere will permit, I now try to circulate my copies, hoping some one may be led by them to the truth, as I was.

I had suffered for years with what has been called creeping paralysis, which was supposed to be hereditary, my mother having suffered with it for fifteen years before she passed away. Medicine seemed to do me some good for a time, but the trouble always returned and with increased severity. I got so that I could scarcely sew; at times I could not feel the needle in my fingers, and have looked to see if it was there. I also had that indescribable numbness in my hands and arms. From this I suffered so much, especially at night, that I could not sleep. Many a night have I walked the floor and cried because of it. But thanks be to God who "sent his word and healed them," and to our dear Leader who was found worthy to bear to us that word, this suffering is a thing of the past. I can sew as well as ever I could only occasionally do I feel a slight touch of numbness; but I immediately declare the truth and it is gone. I know that if I am" faithful to truth as revealed in Christian Science, I shall overcome, and be "every whit whole."

Perhaps I ought to tell of a beautiful (and to me a very sacred) experience which I had when I first began the study of Science and Health. The healing part appealed to me at once; it seemed so beautiful, but almost too good to be true. I had been brought up in an orthodox church, and been taught to believe that the days of miracles had passed; but the more I read Science and Health, the more anxious I became to know if it were true. One night, which I shall never forget, I went to bed and lay awake a long time, praying with intense earnestness that I might know; and there came into my consciousness, as distinctly as though spoken at my bedside, these words: "This is the way, walk ye in it. "At that time, though quite familiar with the Bible, I did not know these words were in it. Almost immediately I experienced a spiritual uplifting— I wish I could describe it— and my hands became perfectly natural,— the numbness was all gone. I was very happy, and thought it would never trouble me again, but error did not unclasp its hold all at once. From that time, however, the only medicine I have used has been the truth.

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