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Testimonies of Healing

It is with grateful love and appreciation for the work of...

From the July 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with grateful love and appreciation for the work of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, in making plain to this age the Christ-healing, that I send this testimony. Several years ago, I was told of Christian Science while away for the summer, on the Massachusetts coast. A friend told me of its practical value in every-day living, and it appealed to me, as I was then very melancholy, and had several physical troubles. Although I looked healthy and endeavored to appear cheerful, this loyal Christian Scientist saw beneath a latent sorrow, which made her long to show me the way out of this bondage into the glorious liberty of a daughter of God, which was as yet unrealized by me. I was loaned two copies of The Christian Science Journal and asked to read the testimonies of the ones who had been helped by Christian Science. I did so, and was greatly helped by all that I read, and then the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, was given me to study. For weeks I read and gained comfort I was healed of one trouble after another, and after a few months I began attending the services held in Philadelphia, my home city. There I was welcomed with love, and still continue in this, to me, new and loved way. I joined the Christian Science church in that city, and the following June I was privileged to become a member of The Mother Church in Boston, where T was then living with friends, as my family opposed the thought of Christian Science, not fully understanding it. Since that time they have experienced the healing, and the Love that never faileth has been demonstrated in the way it always will be when divine Love is reflected.

For the lectures, the services in the churches, the efforts of those who contribute to our periodicals, and to all the loyal workers in Christian Science, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks. Those who have been benefited as I have, will realize most fully how great is my love for all who are giving their time to this work for the uplifting of humanity. In the past five years I have seen the healing of innumerable diseases, —some considered incurable, and so pronounced by the physicians to whom the patients had gone for help.

All those who have experienced the healing of these many ailments know that Christian Science is the truth which Christ Jesus, the Wayshower, promised should make us free when we know it, and we do know it by studying the Bible and Science and Health, and living in accord with their teachings. The truth has been revealed to us in this age by our beloved Leader, Mrs Eddy, in such a way as may easily be understood and demonstrated by all earnest, consecrated students.

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