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Testimonies of Healing

I think it is three or four years since I first heard Christian Science...

From the July 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I think it is three or four years since I first heard Christian Science mentioned. It was being discussed in a drawing-room, and some one turned to me and said, laughing, "Did you ever hear such nonsense in your life?" I am always glad now when I remember my reply, which was, "It may be nonsense, but think what it means to the people who believe it. I would give all I possess to be able to believe a thing like that, but I never could, as I am a very unbelieving person." About two years ago I heard it mentioned occasionally, but never thought much about it until I was asked to look into it by a friend, who believed that her people would let her try it if I recommended it, as they considered me a very sensible woman. I was very reluctant to do this, and it was not until I was asked a second time that I tried to find out what I could about it.

The first person I asked was my doctor, whom I honored and respected as both doctor and friend. His reply astonished me, as he said, laughingly, "Oh, don't take up with Christian Science or you will never want me any more." I began reading anything I could find about it, and was much struck by the admission that had to be made as to its practical value, even by articles meant to be antagonistic to it. I also began to see that the point which seemed to be looked on as so impossible of belief, viz, the unreality of matter, was one the truth of which was already conceded by the leaders of thought in the scientific world. Then I found that Christian Science was a religion, and before I got Science and Health, I was longing to believe its teachings, for I felt it was the truth.

I was able to prove this for myself within a week or two after getting this book, and I shall never forget my feelings when I found that at last I could believe the Bible, and that both my reason and my heart could be satisfied. While I was still looking into Christian Science, I heard many untrue things said about its Discoverer, but although I then knew no Christian Scientists, I felt that these things could not be true, for "by their fruits ye shall know them," and even its enemies acknowledged that Christian Science healed the sick, and gave peace, happiness, and trust in God. Now I find it difficult, or rather, impossible, to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, my love and reverence for her, because of all she has done and suffered for the world.

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