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[Written for the Journal.]


From the July 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O Life of love, of peace, of prayer!
That soothes all pain, removes all care
Gives strength and gladness, makes men free
Guards, guides, and leads the way to Thee.

O Life of love, my joy complete!
My fount of bliss O draught so sweet!
I live in Thee, for Thou art mine
Thou art the body, bread, and wine.

O Life of love, my garment fair!
Thy beauty will with none compare—
The texture pure, the broideries run
To hues that glisten as the sun.

O Life of love, my life, my crown!
Gladly all other I lay down
To serve Thee, whom to know aright
Brings heaven and everlasting light.

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