For about six years I was subject to very severe pains in my head. These attacks were frequent and I was often confined to my bed from one to two weeks. Three physicians pronounced my ailment a serious affection of the nerves, the result of curvature of the spine, from which I suffered when a child. I have had attending me at one time two physicians and a trained nurse. While I was subjected to very severe treatment, the doctors claimed that my ailment could not be cured, only relieved. Being discouraged, I made complaint before a friend during my last attack. She suggested that I try Christian Science, and I called in a practitioner. One hour after the second treatment I was able to leave my bed and attend to my household duties. This was during the second week of November, 1904, and from that time to the present I have enjoyed perfect health. I continued treatment for one week, and am willing at any time to make affidavit as to the truth of the above testimony.
Knoxville, Pa.
Testimonies of Healing
For about six years I was subject to very severe pains...
From the December 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal