For six years I was a great sufferer, and was under a physician's care practically all the time. During this illness, six of the most eminent physicians of this city were employed, and they not only failed to give me any relief, but also to agree upon a diagnosis of my case. I found myself continually growing worse, suffering from sleeplessness, extreme nervousness, bowel trouble, etc. As I could not look for any help from the physicians, I decided to try a change of climate. I went to California, only to return without any improvement. Then, in despair, I turned to Christian Science for help. I took treatment for six days, but feel that I was healed at the first treatment, as I was completely changed mentally and physically. This occurred in July, 1904, and since that time my condition has been one of perfect health and harmony.
Since being liberated from these physical and mental troubles, many blessings have come to me through the study and application of Christian Science.
Nashville, Tenn.