I had suffered off and on for about fourteen years, but was able to keep at my work. For over a year previous to turning to Christian Science, however, I was entirely laid up, much of the time not even able to sit up. Four years ago seven of the best doctors in this city, after doing all they knew how to do for me, gave me up. My trouble was catarrh of the bladder, of years' standing, and now it was complicated with inflammation of the lungs, which developed into pneumonia. I would just begin to rally from one attack when I would be stricken down with a relapse of the disease. My lungs were both affected, and this, with the serious bladder trouble, made my case hopeless, according to the doctor. At this stage there was a consultation of three doctors on my case, after which they told my wife that I could not live.
My cousin, who before this had been healed of rheumatism through Christian Science, advised me to try it. I had lost all hope and thought it useless to do so. My wife had hope and faith, however, and rather to please her than because I thought I could be cured, I did try it, and from the first treatment I was a new man. In two weeks I was completely healed, not a trace of disease or suffering left, and from that time to this I have never lost an hour from my business, have never needed treatment, and have gained fifty pounds in weight. I have strength and ability to do what I have to do, without fatigue or suffering, and I am very thankful for it. My sister came from Toronto twice during my last illness and promised to come again in a month's time. When I was healed I learned that she was to come down for the funeral, the doctors having given me just one month to live. I wrote her that I was well and at work.
My wife and I are now members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in this place. I am also a better man through Christian Science. I had not attended church for fifteen years; now I am a regular attendant and love it. I have no doubt at all that I owe my life to Christian Science, and I desire to express my thankfulness to its Leader and Founder, for through her ministry I have been lifted up into health when all hope was gone. On a recent Sunday I counted thirteen of my relatives in the service, all interested, and several of them healed since my recovery.