Because of seeing and knowing of many demonstrations made by Christian Science, I at last turned to it for treatment after suffering for about two years. I had taken daily treatment from the doctors, besides medicines, but they said my diseases were incurable, although they held out the hope of enabling me to live a few months longer. I had lost my speech entirely, had to be kept in a dark room on account of my eyes, and was in intense pain all the time for about three months. I then became somewhat better, and as soon as I was able I traveled across the State to my home and parents.
It was then I turned to Christian Science and had treatment from a lady who had helped my parents and brothers. Within two months all my troubles had disappeared. My sight is now perfect, and I have never worn my glasses since I first began treatment in Christian Science. My skin is smooth and clear, and I am gaining health, strength, and happiness. I am happy because I have given up my old sinful life and am truly trying to follow in the "paths of righteousness," to gain the summit and claim the reward, "life everlasting."
After being healed I went to the physicians who had said that I might live a few months, and after a thorough examination they gave me a certificate stating that my healing was complete. They could not understand how or what it was that had cured me, but I told them God had healed me. I am now well and happy, and it is all due to Christian Science, and I am truly very grateful for this blessed truth that shines so as to lighten the darkest path and darkest hour if we really want it.