It is not easy, speedily to bring into the right way the man who has a long time previously been held fast by error. It may, however, be effected; for, when a man turns away ever so little from error, the mention of the truth is acceptable to him. For, just as when the cloud breaks ever so little there comes fair weather, even so, when a man turns toward God, the thick cloud of error which deprived him of vision is quickly withdrawn from before him, for error, like disease and sleep, long holds fast those who come under its influence; but truth uses the Word as a goad, and smites the slumberers, and awakens them; and when they are awake, they look at the truth, and also understand it; they hear, and distinguish that which is from that which is not. For there are men which call iniquity righteousness. Now the sin of which I speak is this: when a man abandons that which really exists, and serves that which does not really exist. There is that which really exists, and it is called God. He (I say) really exists, and by His power does everything subsist. This being is in no sense made, nor did He ever come into being; but He has existed from eternity, and will exist forever and ever. He changeth not, while everything else changes. No eye can see Him; nor thought apprehend Him, nor language describe Him; and those who love Him speak of Him thus: Father and God of truth.
, to the pagan Caesar Antonius. About 150 A.D.