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Testimonies of Healing

I bear glad witness to the healing and saving power...

From the June 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I bear glad witness to the healing and saving power of the Word of Truth. I have been healed of sin, sickness, discouragement, and fear through Christian Science, which came to me when life seemed very empty. Ill health and failing eyesight seemed to have overtaken me, and so incapacitated me that I was compelled to abandon my school work and return to my home, later coming West. All this time I was a member of the church, but my prayers for help seemingly failed to reach the divine ear. I had little faith in materia medica, and realized that my only hope lay in God, if I could reach Him; but each day He seemed farther away. My one prayer for months was, "Lord, teach me how to pray;" and in Christian Science, which came to me less than a year ago, I found the answer to that earnest plea.

In three weeks' time, with the aid of a practitioner, the physical and mental ailments, together with the eye trouble, which was a serious and complicated case and, I was told, would eventually destroy the sight,—all these troubles were overcome, and the glasses which I had worn for four or five years, and had been told I must always wear, were cast aside, there being no further need for them. I am very grateful for this physical healing, because it has proven to me that I have found the true religion, the realization of which has brought me peace and joy beyond measure. For this wonderful truth my heart overflows with gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, through whom it has come to us.

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