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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German.]

Although Christian Science healing came to me in...

From the June 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Although Christian Science healing came to me in Germany, I am an American, born of Puritan stock, being directly descended from William Bradford, who wrote the log of the Mayflower and became governor of the New England colony. Thirty-two years of my life were spent in Constantinople, where my husband was the Vice Consul General for the United States for fifteen years, and there I contracted a bowel complaint which clung to me for fourteen years. No doctor could cure me. My husband was told to give me as much change of air as possible, and we spent our summers for twelve years at different German baths. This brought temporary relief, but as soon as I returned home the sickness reappeared. In 1905 the dear Constantinople home was given up, and in September we reached Frankfurt a|M.

In the hotel where we first stayed a gentleman told me about Christian Science and how it had healed a sister of his who had been a sufferer for thirty years. I listened very attentively, thinking to myself that perhaps it might cure me also; but I did not know where I could apply, nor could the gentleman tell me, for he was a stranger in the city. Six months later, March, 1906, I met a lady who spoke of Christian Science to me, and I asked her eagerly where I could learn about it, for every day my complaint was getting worse. She gave the address of the Scientist who had come to live in Frankfurt, and I hurried there at once, for I was desperate. One of my married daughters insisted on going with me, fearing to let me go alone to "these people." I said, "I believe these people can cure me." I took one treatment and was healed of the bowel trouble. Since then I have been faithful to the truth which has healed me. I never miss a Wednesday meeting if I can help it, and regularly attend the English service on Sunday morning. The daughter who was afraid to let me go alone has also been healed, besides several members of her family.

When I first tried Christian Science I was suffering from three other complaints besides the one mentioned. These are slowly but surely vanishing into their native nothingness through the understanding of Truth, for which I give thanks to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

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