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At the dedication of The Mother Church, I remember...

From the December 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At the dedication of The Mother Church, I remember standing spellbound before that beautiful window whereon is so wonderfully portrayed the raising of Lazarus from the dead. I recalled Jesus' words, "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always;" and the understanding of that scene which came to me will never be forgotten. On two occasions since, just before the final and complete demonstration of the power of Christ, Truth, over a seemingly difficult problem, these words of our blessed' Master have come to me with the clear realization that no matter how we put to the proof the ever-presence of Principle, we are always heard and answered, and that we should rejoice even in tribulation and say, "Father, I thank thee," even before the demonstration is made.

It has been my privilege many times to see this wonderful truth overcome the belief in sin, disease, and death, and every day I live I love and praise God more, for He is indeed' "a very present help in trouble." My heart goes out to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has brought to life in me, and in thousands of others, such an understanding of the healing ministry of Christ Jesus, which today means, to all who will accept the freely proffered blessing, abounding peace, health, and happiness.

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