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Testimonies of Healing

In loving gratitude for what Christian Science has done...

From the December 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In loving gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, I give my testimony. About five years ago I was healed of serious lung trouble. The morning the good doctor, with whom I had worked many years as a professional nurse, pronounced my case hopeless, I turned to Christian Science. I was not ignorant of what it could do. for three years previous my younger sister had been healed of tubercular disease. She obtained a copy of Science and Health, the text-book of Christian Science, and commenced to read the chapter called "Fruitage." She was strongly impressed that if others could be healed by apprehending the truth expressed in this book, she too could be healed; and such was the case.

Although I knew of her healing, it seemed to me that the Science would be very hard to understand or apply, but when my case was pronounced incurable from the medical standpoint I knew then that the truth was my only hope. A few copies of the Sentinel that my sister had given me were the only Christian Science literature I had at that time. When I commenced the reading I had been taking opiates every half hour for the three nights previous in the hope of getting a little sleep. The article I read contained a definition of God. I then and there made full surrender of myself to God, and pondering on what was to me a new meaning of God, I fell asleep, and slept three hours. Only those who have known the horrors of sleeplessness could ever realize the bliss of that sleep, and its calm and peaceful awakening.

As my sister had been healed without the aid of a practitioner, it never occurred to me that I should call upon one. About this time a dear friend brought me a copy of Science and Health and other Christian Science literature, among which was a lecture that was a great help to me. The Bible and Science and Health became my constant companions. I accepted the statements of both with my whole heart; was obedient to all I knew of the truth, was very particular to stop voicing error, and followed the example of those whom I knew to be true Scientists. As I was obedient, the understanding and the healing came, although it was five or six months before I could feel myself entirely free; but during the four winters since, I have had only one slight cold. I have been healed of a hernia that I have had for fourteen years, and of bowel trouble supposed to have been caused by an attack of appendicitis. Christian Science has brought me health, peace, and happiness, such as I had never before known. The way has not always been smooth, but I have learned positively that each problem as it presents itself can be worked out, if we will but be guided by the rule given us in Science and Health. I have had class instruction, and am truly grateful for that privilege.

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