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Testimonies of Healing

In the hope that my experience with Christian Science...

From the December 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the hope that my experience with Christian Science will help and encourage some one. and with the deepest feeling of gratitude, I give the following testimony. I was taken ill about ten years ago with a severe attack of acute lung trouble. I went through two very serious operations and was finally compelled to wear constantly a drainage-tube in my side from the time of the operation until I turned to Christian Science, a period of over eight years. It seemed as though my life was absolutely dependent upon this, as the conditions necessitated a dressing every day, which took from three quarters of an hour to three and four hours each time. I had reached the point where I was obliged to be in bed or on a couch most of the time. Everything I did or said meant effort, and I could not be left alone in the house. When sudden attacks of asthma came on, it seemed as though whisky was the only thing I could depend upon for relief. I hardly knew what it was to enjoy a good night's sleep, as I had terrifying dreams, and I was in a bad condition generally.

It was while in this condition, only worse than I have stated, that I turned to Christian Science and found help immediately. The discharge from my side stopped within a very few treatments, and I was entirely healed in about two months. This healing has seemed most wonderful and beautiful to me, in the way my thought has changed and is changing toward everything, and every one seems just as much changed to me. If for no other reason than this, I would love Christian Science, for the amount of spiritual help which has already come to me through its study, for the true friendships it has given me to enjoy, and for the atmosphere of love that it is teaching me to live in. I am truly grateful to God, also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the abiding faith and understanding of God that have come to me, and I can only say that the happiest hours of my life are those spent in studying and trying to learn more and more of this wonderful healing truth.

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