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Testimonies of Healing

I feel it a great pleasure and privilege to express my...

From the December 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel it a great pleasure and privilege to express my gratitude to God for the many blessings and great help I have received since coming into Christian Science. Some months ago I had proof that truly the "everlasting arms" of Love are around, beneath, above. One morning, a small chain which I wore caught in my earring (a screw one"), and in disentangling it hurriedly I pulled the earring down through the lobe of my ear. The whole thing was done so quickly that I hardly knew what had happened until a very sharp 'twinge and other symptoms showed me that something was wrong. I at once declared the truth, knowing that no accident could happen in God's kingdom, and held the wound together for some time. In less than two hours the flesh had completely joined and there was only a slight redness noticeable. I felt that it was my understanding of spiritual law that enabled me to make this demonstration, for which I again give thanks to God, and to our beloved Leader for showing us that God has given to man all things, and dominion over all.


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