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Testimonies of Healing

In the spring of 1909 my husband was taken very ill...

From the December 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the spring of 1909 my husband was taken very ill with acute lung trouble, and having received benefit from Christian Science before, we called a practitioner to treat him. There was a marked change the second day, and the third day every symptom of fever had left, though he was not up until the end of the first week. He did not go back to work for two weeks longer, as his work took him out of doors, and the weather was very bad. About a month later, he began to be troubled with extreme pain in the head, and again had Science treatment. The symptoms were those of an abscess, and after a few treatments it discharged, leaving him well.

For twelve years before hearing of Christian Science, I was always sick and complaining and not able to work, but now I am well and strong, and am very grateful to God, also to Mrs. Eddy for our many blessings.

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