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Testimonies of Healing

My heart goes out in gratitude to...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My heart goes out in gratitude to God, also to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for what Christian Science has done and is doing for me and for all mankind. I have long been silent, but I can no longer refrain from telling of some of my blessings. I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, but rather from an earnest desire for the truth. It had always been my purpose to do right, but some way I could not live up to my highest ideals.

At this time, Christian Science was presented to me in a way that seemed practical. I had long hungered and thirsted for a demonstrable rule by which I could solve my life-problems, and I certainly found it in studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. The first time I was able to put into practise my new knowledge was when I fell from a train to the ground below. I instantly realized that God is Life, that there are no accidents in Mind, and I was absolutely uninjured, much to the amazement and delight of my companion. This was a small demonstration, but it proved to me the protective power of divine Mind. I have learned that God is the Father and Mother, not alone of man, but of everything that really is. I have learned that divine Love governs all our affairs, and that nothing can interfere with this government.

Not only has sickness been overcome by this wonderful truth, but worry over business affairs has been eliminated from my consciousness. Quick temper, impatience, and criticism of others have been largely overcome, and in their place I feel a great love for my fellow men. One of the dearest blessings that has come to me has been the privilege of class instruction, which has thrown a great illumination on all I read and has given me increased ability to help others. I was cured during the past winter of a severe attack of illness, and of the deafness which resulted from it. I also had a very deep sore on my upper lip, which my friends declared would leave a scar, but it was healed completely and left no trace.

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