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Testimonies of Healing

It is over three years since I first...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[Translated from the German]

It is over three years since I first knew of Christian Science, and a feeling of joy and deep gratitude impels me to tell of the great blessings which this glorious teaching has brought and is bringing me daily. When I first heard of this teaching, my then thirteen-year-old daughter had been suffering with bronchial trouble, asthma, catarrh, and an affection of the lungs, all of which seemed to be beyond medical skill, the various methods of cure resorted to, including surgery, being of no avail. A mother alone can understand how great was my anguish whenever my child was seized with one of these attacks, which occurred only too frequently, as in a state of great distress she would cry out that she was dying! The trouble seemed to have reached its height, for to the constant cough was added a loss of blood, and all that the physicians could offer by way of comfort was the advice to take our child on a journey to the south.

At that time I heard of Christian Science through my sister, and shortly after this, through her, I made the acquaintance of a practitioner. I asked her to take up Christian Science treatment for my daughter, and from that time on the child's condition improved. There was one recurrence of the attack, but this time it was much less severe, and gradually all the symptoms disappeared; the gloom of the night was lifted, and I now heard the voice of Truth saying: "Let there be light." These as well as many other wonderful proofs of the power of divine Truth often fill my heart to overflowing with gratitude to God and to His Christ, who healeth all our diseases.

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