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Testimonies of Healing

That I may in some small measure...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That I may in some small measure express my gratitude, I would like to tell to others what Christian Science has done for me and what it means to me. About four years ago my brother was healed by Christian Science treatment, after he had been paralyzed for nearly two years and when the doctors could do nothing further for him. Although I recognized by what means his cure had been brought about, I did not look into this teaching, principally because I had had almost perfect health all my life and needed no physical healing, also because I was at that time fully satisfied with the church to which I belonged.

Two winters ago, however, I experienced several attacks of illness and my throat became very sensitive. This condition was exceedingly painful, but I did little to relieve the attacks as I had lost faith to a great extent in the curative power of medicine. The following winter I determined that I would not go through the same experience, and when the first siege came upon me together with a severe attack of cold, I went to a Christian Science practitioner and asked for help. The condition was overcome within a few days and did not return during the remainder of the winter. In the following July the same condition presented itself, but was overcome, and I am thankful to say I have never had a return of this trouble.

Of course this was only a beginning. Minor complaints were met, and in reading the Christian Science literature, according to the instruction of the practitioner, while taking treatment I began to see that it was not merely a religion of physical healing. Although I had been taught the stories of the Bible while a little child, and during my schooldays continued to study its history, the light of this teaching has illumined the Bible with a radiance hitherto unlooked for and unthought of. The lessons I have learned have been many, and while I still feel like one standing upon the first rung of a ladder which reaches up into infinity, I know that the step whereon I stand is firm and I have received courage to climb higher. Not only do I rejoice in having found a practical religion, but also in the knowledge that God is our friend and counselor as well as our creator and Father, and that divine Love enfolds each one of us at all times and in all circumstances. —

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